Saturday 21 July 2012

My life now

So, I'm in vacations. At least from university, I'm still attending french lessons. Let me just say that's just as stressing. You see, the french institute it's one hour away from home, the lessons last 2 hours. So, from monday to thursday I leave home at 3 in the afternoon and get back at 7:30 at night. 
I do have to say it's great to have an excuse almost everyday, to see people and to learn new things. 

Though it's quite far from my house, the institute it's in one of the nicest parts of the cities, it's always full of tourists and well of cute guys. My institute also, is full of french exchange students that don't look bad either. 

Anyways, I like it.

Let me just share something with you guys.
A funny story, that will actually make you think I'm a dumb ass

I got lost. I've got lost in London, in Paris. Now, I got lost in my hometown, in the district I've gone to everyday for the past 5 months.
So stupid

Wait, and i'll tell you